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A member registered Mar 27, 2022

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It's not really a good one for me personally when Steam is my primary method of communication for some of my friends and family. Switching accounts any time I want to play one singular game, and thus losing the ability to communicate with said friends and family for the duration, just isn't practical.

Thank you for the communication! :) As long as there's intent eventually, that's good enough for me. ♥

Creating an entirely new account for ONE single game and having to swap back and forth constantly isn't a very appealing prospect. I'm happy to buy the game, but not to create a whole new account for it.

(1 edit)

Will the desktop version ever be added to itch? I want to make a one-time purchase of $15 rather than recurring smaller payments, but I also have family members on my steam and don't want them seeing me playing this game lol.

Edit: If it will be added someday but just isn't in right now, that's fine too, just trying to figure out if itch is intended to be mobile-only forever, or just for now.